What is a Posthumous Business Influencer?
A posthumous business influencer leaves inventions, concepts and materials that have future learning value. As our founder did research on the full history of consulting for a potential future book proposal, he read many articles and over 2,000 books. Great books refer to previous books. This led to researching large volumes of older material that time had mostly forgotten. This was a gift and blessing. It led to discovery of amazing thinkers and authors, some of whom are obscure and not well known. One of the many benefits of this older material was the style and detailed nature of the writing. Many of these writings were during an earlier era of great skepticism about successful technology usage in organizations and society. They serve to remind us that technology is just a tool to achieve a business result and should be used only once a business issue is well defined and with precision to receive the greatest impact.
Unless noted, Fearless Revival has never met any of these posthumous business influencers. Our Founder only interacted with their works and often many people who knew them when they were alive. Most entries are short as they meant to be a brief introduction to the individual. We needed to travel to obscure university libraries to access certain scarce materials. If you own old books, we seek donations of important, out of print, impossible to find business books. Please contact us if you think you may have any.
You do not actually need us. You can do all of this yourself. All curious lifelong learners can excel at gaining timeless business acumen. Simply read 2,000 books, take part in thousands of conferences and network with many, many people across different disciplines. Then work for several years in a startup that changed an industry business model. However, that will take you about twenty years. You simply don’t have that kind of free time on your hands. Your decisions also can’t wait that long to occur. There is nowhere else you can get this unique style and complete blend of business acumen. We feel it is a privilege to serve you as we replace and end the paradigm of large, leveraged business strategy consulting firms which can create serious corporate governance issues.
Current Fearless Revival Posthumous Business Influencers in alphabetical order:
Fearless Revival seeks to meet people that might belong on this list after they pass from life on earth. The wish list includes Regis McKenna, Lou Gerstner, Richard Jenrette, and Masatoshi Ito. There are other living people that we’ve had the distinct pleasure of already meeting. These include Joel Barker, Henry Mintzberg, Harvey Mackay, Ram Charan, and Danny Meyer. If you know someone who might belong on this list in the future, please feel free to contact us. We’d like to learn about their contributions to society and the world of business.