CEO succession planning used to be simple. Often people were selected well groomed for several years. Then a smooth hand off to the new CEO from the retiring CEO would occur with the complete blessing and confidence of the board of directors. That corporate governance paradigm assumed a stable workforce, appropriate business strategy, excellent operating execution and a linear world. Today, CEO and board of directors are faced with nonlinear change, ever increasing technology complexity, emerging third party risks that are not yet fully understood. A CEO that can lead change successfully is harder to identify, yet the boards of directors of the past like IBM with CEO selection Lou Gerstner did just that. Examples of Common CEO / Board of Directors Succession Planning Pain Points:
Fearless Revival believes that CEO and board of directors succession planning means much more than filling boxes on an organizational chart. Is it the right organizational chart for the future? Are you certain that the business skills of proposed future Chief Executive Officer leaders can achieve the desired future state? Professional services firms that place talent succession often overlook these critical issues. We help you take the necessary steps that bring clarity and add value to your board of directors and create effective corporate governance practices for your organization.
Benefits to you:
Organizations that have effective corporate governance practices tend to be lower risk, higher performance and have less awkward surprise type events. Start a new way of doing board business today with board of directors succession planning services.